November - December 2014

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19. Dezember 2014 E2S Warning Signals - German VdS-Zulassung für Alarmtongeber in stabilem Metallgehäuse VdS approval for D112
19 de diciembre 2014 E2S Warning Signals - Spanish Aprobación VdS para las alarmas de bocina del sistema de incendios en carcasa de metal resistente
18 de dezembro de 2014 E2S Warning Signals - Brazilian Portuguese Aprovação VdS para sistema de sirenes de incêndio com corpo em metal resistente
15 December 2014 E2S Warning Signals - English VdS approval for rugged metal enclosure fire system horn sounders
December 15, 2014 E2S Warning Signals USA VdS approval for rugged metal enclosure fire system horn sounders

15 December 2014 BVM Limited The ultra-slim, fanless high performance UTX-110 SBC is optimised for IoT UTX-110

17 November 2014 Verotec UK Verotec custom enclosures help keep the London Underground running Verotec custom enclosures help keep the London Underground running
November 17, 2014 Verotec USA Verotec custom enclosures help keep the London Underground running

7 de novembro de 2014 E2S Warning Signals - Brazilian Portuguese E2S acrescenta compatibilidade SIL 2 a sua linha de buzinas e luzes estroboscópicas SIL 2
07 November 2014 E2S Warning Signals - English E2S adds SIL 2 compatibility to its horn and strobe families
07. November 2014 E2S Warning Signals - German E2S erweitert seine akustischen-und optischen Alarmsignalgeber um die SIL 2 Komptabilität
07 de noviembre de 2014 E2S Warning Signals - Spanish E2S añade compatibilidad SIL 2 a sus familias de bocinas acústicas y balizas
November 07, 2014 E2S Warning Signals USA E2S adds SIL 2 compatibility to its horn and strobe families