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the current releases.
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2025 press information
Hammond Electronics Europe

15 January 2025

Hammond’s new IP68 heavy duty flanged die-cast aluminium enclosures
15. Januar 2025

Hammond führt neue geflanschte Aluminium-Druckgussgehäuse für hohe Beanspruchung mit IP68-Schutz ein
Le 15 janvier 2025
Nouveaux boîtiers en aluminium moulés à bride à usage intensif IP68 de Hammond
Hammond Electronics Australia
15 January 2025

Hammond’s new IP68 heavy duty flanged die-cast aluminium enclosures
Hammond Manufacturing USA
January 15, 2025

Hammond’s new IP68 heavy duty flanged die-cast aluminum enclosures
Hammond Manufacturing Canada
January 15, 2025
Hammond’s new IP68 heavy duty flanged die-cast aluminum enclosures
Les Fabrications Hammond (Quebec)
Le 15 janvier 2025

Nouveaux boîtiers en aluminium moulés à bride à usage intensif IP68 de Hammond
2024 press information
E2S Warning Signals

07 October 2024

E2S launches its new H1 range of rate-compensated heat detectors for hazardous areas
9 de octubre de 2024

E2S lanza su nueva gama H1 de detectores de calor con compensación de velocidad para zonas peligrosas
9. Oktober 2024

E2S bringt neue H1-Serie von Wärmemeldern mit Ratenkompensation für Gefahrenbereiche auf den Markt
October 9, 2014

E2S launches its new H1 range of rate-compensated heat detectors for hazardous areas
9 de outubro de 2024

Conheça a nova linha H1 de detectores de calor com recurso de compensação de taxa para áreas de risco da E2S
2024년 10월 10일

E2S, 위험 구역용 신제품 Rate-Compensated 열감지기 H1 제품군 출시

E2S 推出全新 H1 系列危险区域温升速率补偿热探测器
24 September 2024

POLYRACK TECH-GROUP welcomes legacy brand VEROTEC
2023 press information
E2S Warning Signals
12 September 2023

Visit E2S at ADIPEC on Stand 8630 at the UK Pavilion to see the most modern and effective range of Warning Signals
12. September 2023

Besuchen Sie E2S auf der ADIPEC am Stand 8630 im britischen Pavillon, um sich die modernsten und effektivsten Warnsignalgeber der Branche anzusehen
12 de septiembre de 2023

Visite E2S en ADIPEC en el puesto 8630 del pabellón del Reino Unido si desea ver la gama más moderna y eficaz de productos de señalización
September 12, 2023

Visit E2S at ADIPEC on Stand 8630 at the UK Pavilion to see the most modern and effective range of Warning Signals
12 de setembro de 2023

Visite a E2S na ADIPEC, no estande 8630 do UK Pavilion, e conheça a mais moderna e eficaz linha de Sinalizações
2023년 9월 12일
ADIPEC, 영국관 스탠드 8630에서 E2S의 가장 효율적이며 최신에 신호정보기기를 확인해 보십시오

欢迎参观 ADIPEC 英国馆 8630 号 E2S 展位,了解最先进、最有效的警报信号
Hammond Electronics Europe

24 May 2023

Hammond announces new flame-retardant ABS 1556 family
24. Mai 2023

Hammond kündigt neue schwer entflammbare Gehäuseserie ABS 1556 an
Le 24 mai 2023

Hammond annonce sa nouvelle gamme 1556 en ABS ignifuge
24 maggio 2023

Hammond lancia la nuova serie 1556 di alloggiamenti in ABS ritardante di fiamma
Hammond Electronics Australia
24 May 2023

Hammond announces new flame-retardant ABS 1556 family
Hammond Manufacturing USA
May 24, 2023

Hammond announces new flame-retardant ABS 1556 family
Hammond Manufacturing Canada
May 24, 2023
Hammond announces new flame-retardant ABS 1556 family
Les Fabrications Hammond (Quebec)
Le 24 mai 2023

Hammond annonce sa nouvelle gamme 1556 en ABS ignifuge
E2S Warning Signals
10 January 2023

Next generation SIL rated warning signals
10. Januar 2023

SIL-konforme Warnsignalgeber der nächsten Generation
10 de enero de 2023

Señales de advertencia de próxima generación con certificación SIL
January 10, 2023

Next generation SIL rated warning signals
11 de janeiro de 2023

Sinais de alerta com classificação SIL de próxima geração
2023년 1월 11일

차세대 SIL 등급 경보기

下一代 SIL 级报警信号
2022 press information

APC Technology Group
27 September 2022

APC Technology Group now offers component procurement and testing to AS6171 to UK customers

Hammond Electronics Europe
06 July 2022

If you need a miniature IP68 sealed enclosure, Hammond has the answer.
6. Juli 2022

Wenn Sie ein abgedichtetes Miniatur-Gehäuse nach IP68 benötigen, hat Hammond die Antwort.
6 juillet 2022

Besoin d’un boîtier miniature étanche IP68 ? Hammond a la réponse
6 luglio 2022

Avete bisogno di una mini custodia impermeabile IP68? Hammond ha la soluzione giusta
Hammond Electronics Australia
06 July 2022

If you need a miniature IP68 sealed enclosure, Hammond has the answer
Hammond Manufacturing USA
July 06, 2022

If you need a miniature IP68 sealed enclosure, Hammond has the answer
Hammond Manufacturing Canada
July 06, 2022
If you need a miniature IP68 sealed enclosure, Hammond has the answer
Les Fabrications Hammond (Quebec)
6 juillet 2022

Besoin d’un boîtier miniature étanche IP68 ? Hammond a la réponse

E2S Warning Signals
14 June 2022

New models, upgrades and international approvals for the E2S GNEx and STEx Xenon and LED beacons
14.Juni 2022

Neue Modelle, Upgrades und internationale Zulassungen für die Xenon- und LED-Kennleuchten E2S GNEx und STEx
14 de junio de 2022

Nuevos modelos, actualizaciones y homologaciones internacionales para las balizas de Xenón y LED GNEx y STEx de E2S
16 de junho de 2022

Novos modelos, atualizações e aprovações internacionais para os sinalizadores de xênon e LED GNEx e STEx da E2S
2022년 6월 16일

E2S GNEx, STEx Xenon, LED Beacons의 신규 제품 및 개선 사항 소개, 국제 인증 획득

E2S GNEx 和 STEx 氙气信标和 LED 信标:推出新型号、进行升级、获得国际认证
E2S Warning Signals USA
June 15, 2022

New models, upgrades and international approvals for the E2S GNEx and STEx Xenon and LED beacons
E2S Warning Signals USA

May 18, 2022

E2S majors on UL464 and UL1638 approved warning signals at NFPA 2022
E2S Warning Signals
28 March 2022

E2S introduces new versions and upgraded electronics for its hazardous area alarm sounders
28. März 2022

E2S stellt neue Versionen und verbesserte Elektronik für seine Alarmgeber für Gefahrenbereiche vor
28 de marzo de 2022

E2S presenta nuevas versiones y una electrónica optimizada para sus sirenas de alarma para áreas peligrosas
2022년 3월 28일

E2S, 향상된 전자 회로를 적용한 위험 구역 경보 발생기를 소개합니다.
28 de março de 2022

E2S apresenta novas versões e atualização da eletrônica em seus alarmes sonoros para áreas perigosas
E2S Warning Signals USA
March 28, 2022

E2S introduces new versions and upgraded electronics for its hazardous area alarm sounders

Hammond Electronics Europe
17 January 2022

Hammond’s new IP69/IP69K HYJ and HYPB stainless enclosures for hygienic applications
Hammond Manufacturing Canada
January 17, 2022
Hammond’s new NEMA 4X HYJ and HYPB stainless enclosures for hygienic applications
Hammond Manufacturing USA
January 17, 2021

Hammond’s new NEMA 4X HYJ and HYPB stainless enclosures for hygienic applications
2021 press information
E2S Warning Signals
15 September 2021

E2S shows in-depth warning signal capabilities at ADIPEC
15. September 2021
E2S präsentiert seine umfassenden Fähigkeiten im Bereich Signalvorrichtungen auf der ADIPEC
15 de septiembre de 2021

E2S muestra en profundidad sus capacidades de señalización de alerta en ADIPEC
15 de setembro de 2021

E2S apresenta recursos de sinal de alerta em profundidade na ADIPEC

E2S 在阿布扎比国际石油天然气展览会上深入展示报警信号功能
2021년 9월 15일
E2S, ADIPEC에서 전문적인 경고 신호기들의 역량을 선보입니다.
E2S Warning Signals USA
September 15, 2021

E2S shows in-depth warning signal capabilities at ADIPEC

Hammond Electronics Europe
09 June 2021

Hammond introduces yet more versions of its 1551 miniature plastic enclosure family
9 juin 2021

Hammond rehausse le nombre de modèles pour sa gamme de mini boîtes en plastique 1551
9. Juni 2021

Hammond stellt weitere Versionen seiner Miniatur-Kunststoffgehäusefamilie 1551 vor
9 giugno 2021

Hammond presenta ulteriori versioni della sua famiglia di involucri in miniatura in plastica 1551
Hammond Electronics Australia
09 June 2021

Hammond introduces yet more versions of its 1551 miniature plastic enclosure family
Hammond Manufacturing USA
June 09, 2021

Hammond introduces yet more versions of its 1551 miniature plastic enclosure family
Hammond Manufacturing Canada
June 09, 2021
Hammond introduces yet more versions of its 1551 miniature plastic enclosure family
Les Fabrications Hammond (Quebec)
9 juin 2021

Hammond rehausse le nombre de modèles pour sa gamme de mini boîtes en plastique 1551
E2S Warning Signals
27 May 2021

E2S launches major upgrade to its AlertAlight, AlertAlight and Sonora signalling devices
27. Mai 2021

E2S führt umfangreiche Verbesserungen bei seinen Signalgeräten AlertAlarm, AlertAlight und Sonora ein
27 de mayo de 2021

E2S lanza una importante actualización de sus dispositivos de señalización AlertAlarm, AlertAlight y Sonora
2021년 5월 27일

E2S가 AlertAlarm, AlertAlight, Sonora 경보 장치에 대한 주요 업그레이드 제품 출시

E2S 将对其 AlertAlarm、AlertAlight 和 Sonora 信号装置进行重大升级
May 27, 2021

E2S launches major upgrade to its AlertAlight, AlertAlight and Sonora signaling devices
27 de maio de 2021

E2S lança linhas atualizadas de seus sinalizadores AlertAlarm, AlertAlight e Sonora

E2S Warning Signals
19 April 2021

E2S M series upgraded alarm horn sounders in IP66/67 Type 4/4X/13 enclosures
19. April 2021

E2S verbessert Alarmgeber der M-Serie in Gehäusen mit Schutzarten IP66/67 Type 4/4X/13
19 de abril de 2021

Sirenas de alarma optimizadas de la serie M de E2S en cajas IP66/67 Tipo 4/4X/13

E2S M 系列升级了报警喇叭,采用 IP66/67 型 4/4 X/13 外壳
2021년 4월 19일

IP66/67 Type 4/4X/13 외함 E2S M 시리즈 업그레이드 경보 경음기 사운더
April 19, 2021

E2S M series upgraded alarm horn sounders in IP66/67 Type 4/4X/13 enclosures
06 de abril de 2021

Dispositivos sonoros de alarme da linha M da E2S passam por atualização nos revestimentos IP66/67 do tipo 4/4X/13
2020 press information

Verotec UK
08 December 2020

Eurotec caseframes are Verotec’s elegant solution for easy Eurocard PCB housing
Verotec USA
December 08, 2020

Eurotec caseframes are Verotec’s elegant solution for easy Eurocard PCB housing

E2S Warning Signals
02 December 2020

E2S upgrades its signalling beacons with super bright outputs and additional configuration options
2. Dezember 2020

E2S rüstet Signalleuchten mit superheller Lichtleistung und zusätzlichen Konfigurationsoptionen auf
2 de diciembre de 2020
E2S actualiza sus balizas de señalización con salidas superbrillantes y opciones de configuración adicionales
December 2, 2020

E2S upgrades its signaling beacons with super bright outputs and additional configuration options
2 de dezembro de 2020

E2S atualiza seus sinalizadores com saídas ultrabrilhantes e opções de configuração adicionais
2020년 12월 3일

E2S, 고광도 출력과 추가 구성 옵션으로 Beacons 개선

E2S 升级了其信号信标,提供超亮输出和额外的配置选项
Verotec UK
29 October 2020

IMRAK 19” cabinets from Verotec are market leaders
E2S Warning Signals
27 October 2020

The world’s most extensive range of MCPs has been improved – again
27. Oktober 2020

Weltweit größtes Handmelder-Sortiment jetzt noch umfangreicher
27 de octubre de 2020

La gama más extensa de MCP del mundo ha sido mejorada, de nuevo
2020년 10월 27일

세계에서 가장 광범위한 MCP가 새롭게 향상되었습니다

October 27, 2020

The world’s most extensive range of MCPs has been improved – again
27 de outubro de 2020

A gama mais ampla de MCPs do mundo foi aprimorada – novamente

Verotec UK
19 August 2020

Verotec’s versatile EMC and standard 19” rack cases
Verotec USA
June 28, 2020

Verotec’s versatile EMC and standard 19” rack cases

Verotec UK
28 July 2020 
Verotec helps keep nuclear power station running safely
Verotec USA
June 28, 2020

Verotec helps keep nuclear power station running safely

Hammond Electronics Europe

27 July 2020
Hammond IP66 stainless steel industrial enclosures

27. Juli 2020
Hammond IP66 Edelstahl-Industriegehäuse

27 juillet 2020
Boîtiers industriels Hammond en inox IP66
Hammond Electronics Australia

27 July 2020
Hammond IP66 stainless steel industrial enclosures

Hammond Electronics Europe

02 July 2020
Hammond DIN rail enclosures

2. Juli 2020
Gehäuse für DIN-Schienen von Hammond

02 juillet 2020
Boîtiers montés sur rail DIN Hammond

2 luglio 2020
Alloggiamenti per guide DIN Hammond
Hammond Electronics Australia

02 July 2020
Hammond DIN rail enclosures
Hammond Manufacturing USA

July 02, 2020
Hammond DIN rail enclosures
Hammond Manufacturing Canada

July 02, 2020
Hammond DIN rail enclosures
Les Fabrications Hammond (Quebec)

juillet 02, 2020
Boîtiers montés sur rail DIN Hammond

Verotec UK
10 June 2020

Verotec now provides fully configured and tested hardware for 7th Sense’s Juggler pixel processing system
Verotec USA
June 10, 2020

Verotec now provides fully configured and tested hardware for 7th Sense’s Juggler pixel processing system

Hammond Electronics Europe

27 April 2020
1455F flanged extruded aluminium enclosure for surface mounting

27. April 2020
Geflanschtes extrudiertes Aluminiumgehäuse 1455F für Oberflächenmontage

27 avril 2020
Boîtier en aluminium extrudé à rebords 1455F pour montage sur une surface

27 aprile 2020
Alloggiamento in alluminio estruso flangiato 1455F per montaggio in superficie
Hammond Electronics Australia

27 April 2020
1455F flanged extruded aluminium enclosure for surface mounting
Hammond Manufacturing USA

April 27, 2020
1455F flanged extruded aluminium enclosure for surface mounting
Hammond Manufacturing Canada

April 27, 2020
1455F flanged extruded aluminium enclosure for surface mounting
Les Fabrications Hammond (Quebec)

Avril 27, 2020
Boîtier en aluminium extrudé à rebords 1455F pour montage sur une surface

Verotec UK
10 March 2020

Verotec makes third round investment of a further £500k to increase capacity and improve capability and service
Verotec USA
March 10, 2020

Verotec makes third round investment of a further $700k to increase capacity and improve capability and service

E2S Warning Signals
02 March 2020 
E2S major on hazardous area integrated warning device assemblies at OTC 2020
2. März 2020 
E2S stellt integrierte Warngeräte für Ex-Bereiche auf der OTC 2020 vor
2 de marzo de 2020 
ES2 presenta los conjuntos de dispositivos de advertencia integrados para áreas peligrosas en la OTC 2020
March 02, 2020
E2S major on hazardous area integrated warning device assemblies at OTC 2020
2 de março de 2020

E2S direciona seu foco aos conjuntos de dispositivos de aviso integrados para áreas perigosas na OTC 2020
2020년 3월 2일

E2S, OTC 2020에 참가하여 위험 구역용 통합형 경보 장치 Assembly를 선보이다
2020 年石油天然气展览会 OTC 展出 E2S 系列专业危险区域集成报警装置组件 |

Hammond Electronics Europe 
24 February 2020
Elegant and functional hand-held enclosures

24. Februar 2020
Elegante und praktische Handgehäuse

24 février 2020
Boîtiers portatifs, élégants et fonctionnels

24 febbraio 2020
Alloggiamenti portatili eleganti e funzionali
Hammond Electronics Australia 
24 February 2020
Elegant and functional hand-held enclosures
Hammond Manufacturing Canada English

February 24, 2020
Elegant and functional hand-held enclosures
Les Fabrications Hammond (Quebec)

Février 24, 2020
Boîtiers portatifs, élégants et fonctionnels
Hammond Manufacturing USA
February 24, 2020
Elegant and functional hand-held enclosures

E2S Warning Signals
27 January 2020

E2S launches the brightest ever hazardous location UL1971 LED fire alarm beacon
27. Januar 2020
E2S bringt die hellste, jemals an einer Gefahrenstelle eingesetzte LED-Brandmeldeleuchte UL1971 auf den Markt
27 de enero de 2020
E2S lanza la baliza de alarma de incendios con matriz UL1971 de LEDs más brillantes para lugares peligrosos
January 27, 2020
E2S launches the brightest ever hazardous location UL1971 LED fire alarm beacon
23 de janeiro de 2020
E2S lança o sinalizador de LED para alarmes contra incêndio em locais perigosos mais inteligente de todos os tempos e compatível com a norma UL1971
2020 년 1 월 27 일

E2S, 가장 밝은 위험 지역용 UL1971 LED 화재용 경광등을 소개합니다.

E2S 推出有史以来亮度最大的危险场地 UL1971 LED 火灾报警信标

Verotec UK
16 January 2020

Verotec is at the heart of Sun Harvester's Zhyphen off-grid solar power and storage system
Verotec USA
January 16, 2020

Verotec is at the heart of Sun Harvester’s Zhyphen off-grid solar power and storage system
2019 press information |

Verotec UK
12 December 2019
Verotec shows results of recent £500k investment at Southern Electronics |

Hammond Electronics Europe
18 November 2019
Hammond introduces the stylish new 1557 IP68 wall mount/desktop plastic enclosure family
18. November 2019
Hammond stellt die stylischen neuen 1557 IP68 wandmontierten bzw. Tisch-Kunststoffgehäuse vor
18 novembre 2019

Hammond lance sa nouvelle gamme 1557 d’élégants boîtiers en plastique muraux/de bureau conformes à IP68
18 novembre 2019

Hammond presenta la nuova la nuova, elegante famiglia di involucri in plastica 1557 IP68 per montaggio a parete/su scrivania
Hammond Electronics Australia
18 November 2019
Hammond introduces the stylish new 1557 IP68 wall mount/desktop plastic enclosure family
Hammond Manufacturing Canada
November 18, 2019

Hammond introduces the stylish new 1557 IP68 wall mount/desktop plastic enclosure family
Les Fabrications Hammond (Quebec)
novembre 18, 2019

Hammond lance sa nouvelle gamme 1557 d’élégants boîtiers en plastique muraux/de bureau conformes à IP68
Hammond Manufacturing USA
November 18, 2019
Hammond introduces the stylish new 1557 IP68 wall mount/desktop plastic enclosure family

Verotec UK
13 November 2019
Verotec IMRAKs selected as the default cabinets for the next generation C5ISR equipment for LSRC

E2S Warning Signals
2019년 10월 2일

ADIPEC에서 위험 구역 통합형 경고 장치 Assemblies를 중점 소개하는 E2S

E2S 将在阿布扎比国际石油天然气展览会展示危险区域专用集成报警设备组件
2 de outubro de 2019

E2S direciona seu foco aos conjuntos de dispositivos de aviso integrados para áreas perigosas na ADIPEC
October 02, 2019

E2S major on hazardous area integrated warning device assemblies at ADIPEC
1 de octubre de 2019

La especialización de E2S en conjuntos de dispositivos de advertencia integrados para áreas peligrosas presente en la ADIPEC
1. Oktober 2019

E2S legt den Schwerpunkt auf integrierte Warngeräteanlagen in Gefahrenbereichen auf der ADIPEC
01 October 2019

E2S major on hazardous area integrated warning device assemblies at ADIPEC

04 September 2019

BVM is at the heart of level crossing safety updates
 30 August 2019

Verotec UK
Verotec’s in-house panel printing capability used in fire detection system
30 August 2019

Verotec US
Verotec’s in-house panel printing capability used in fire detection system

29 de julho de 2019
E2S Warning Signals
Novo site da E2S apresenta funcionalidade de pesquisa inteligente - selecione a melhor sinalização de alerta para sua aplicação
E2S Warning Signals
具备智能搜索功能的全新 E2S 网站——为您的应用选择最佳警报信号
29. Juli 2019

E2S Warning Signals
Die neue E2S Website mit intelligenter Suchfunktion – Wählen Sie das beste Warnsignal für Ihre Anwendung
2019 년 7 월 30 일
E2S Warning Signals
지능형 검색 기능이 포함된 새로운 E2S 웹사이트 - 용도에 맞는 최고의 경고 신호등을 선택하세요
29 de julio de 2019
E2S Warning Signals
Nuevo sitio web de E2S con funcionalidad de búsqueda inteligente: seleccione la mejor señal de advertencia para su aplicación
29 July 2019

E2S Warning Signals
The new E2S web site with intelligent search functionality - select the best warning signal for your application
July 29, 2019
E2S Warning Signals
The new E2S web site with intelligent search functionality - select the best warning signal for your application

25 July 2019
Verotec UK
Verotec helps keep North Sea oil platform safe
July 25, 2019
Verotec USA
Verotec helps keep North Sea oil platform safe

01 July 2019

Lights, camera, action! BVM makes it happen

10 June 2019
Hammond Electronics Australia
Hammond adds 36 additional configurations to its IP68 1554 and 1555 Industry 4.0 families
June 10, 2019
Hammond Manufacturing Canada
Hammond adds 36 additional configurations to its IP68 1554 and 1555 Industry 4.0 families
10 juin 2019
Les Fabrications Hammond (Quebec)
Hammond ajoute 36 configurations supplémentaires à ses gammes Industry 4.0 1554 et 1555 IP68
10 June 2019

Hammond Electronics Europe UK
Hammond adds 36 additional configurations to its IP68 1554 and 1555 Industry 4.0 families
10. Juni 2019

Hammond Electronics Europe DE
Hammond erweitert seine Baureihen IP68 1554 und 1555 der Industrie 4.0-Produktfamilien um 36 zusätzliche Ausführungen
10 juin 2019
Hammond Electronics Europe FR
Hammond ajoute 36 configurations supplémentaires à ses gammes Industry 4.0 1554 et 1555 IP68
10 giugno 2019
Hammond Electronics Europe IT
Hammond aggiunge altre 36 configurazioni IP68 alle sue linee 1554 e 1555 Industry 4.0
June 10, 2019
Hammond Manufacturing US
Hammond adds 36 additional configurations to its IP68 1554 and 1555 Industry 4.0 families

2019년 5월 9일

E2S Warning Signals
D1xB2 방폭형 SIL 2 경고 신호기, NFPA 2019에서 선보여
E2S Warning Signals
2019 年美国圣安东尼奥消防展览会上推出 D1xB2 防爆 SIL 2 报警信号装置
08 May 2019

E2S Warning Signals
D1xB2 explosion proof SIL 2 warning signals launching at NFPA 2019
08. Mai 2019

E2S Warning Signals
SIL 2-explosionsgesicherte Warnleuchten D1xB2 werden auf der NFPA 2019 lanciert
8 de mayo de 2019

E2S Warning Signals
Presentación en la NFPA 2019 de las Señales de advertencia SIL 2 a prueba de explosión D1xB2
May 08, 2019

E2S Warning Signals
D1xB2 explosion proof SIL 2 warning signals launching at NFPA 2019
08 de maio de 2019

E2S Warning Signals
Lançamento de sinalização de alerta SIL 2 à prova de explosões D1xB2 na NFPA 2019 |

25 April 2019

Verotec UK
Verotec KM6-HD rugged subrack conforms to MIL STD 167
April 25, 2019

Verotec US
Verotec KM6-HD rugged subrack conforms to MIL STD 167 |


E2S Warning Signals
E2S 推出 316L 不锈钢 STEx 系列——防腐并通过 DNV 认证。
2019년 4월 24일

E2S Warning Signals
E2S 316L Stainless Steel STEx 제품군 – 부식 방지 및 DNV 승인 획득
23 April 2019

E2S Warning Signals
The 316L stainless STEx family from E2S – corrosion proof and DNV approved
23 de abril de 2019

E2S Warning Signals
La familia STEx de acero inoxidable 316L de E2S - a prueba de corrosión y aprobada por DNV.
23. April 2019
E2S Warning Signals
Die 316L STEx-Familie aus rostfreiem Edelstahl von E2S - korrosionsbeständig und DNV-genehmigt.
April 23, 2019
E2S Warning Signals
The 316L stainless STEx family from E2S – corrosion proof and DNV approved.
23 de abril de 2019

E2S Warning Signals
Linha STEx em aço inoxidável 316L da E2S – à prova de corrosão e certificação DNV |

13 March 2019

Verotec UK
Verotec keeps all the balls in the air for 7thSense's new Juggler pixel processor
March 13, 2019

Verotec US
Verotec keeps all the balls in the air for 7thSense’s new Juggler pixel processor

27 de fevereiro de 2019

E2S Warning Signals
E2S lança sinalizadores de xênon e LED D1xB2 SIL 2 na OTC 2019

E2S Warning Signals
E2S将在OTC 2019上发布D1xB2 SIL 2氙气和LED信标
Veröffentlichung: 27. Februar 2019
E2S Warning Signals
E2S lanciert D1xB2 SIL 2 Xenon und LED Lichtsignale auf der OTC 2019
2019년 2월 27일

E2S Warning Signals
E2S, OTC 2019에 D1xB2 SIL 2 Xenon 및 LED Beacon 출시
Publicado el 27 de febrero de 2019

E2S Warning Signals
E2S presenta las balizas LED y Xenón D1xB2 SIL 2 en la OTC 2019
27 February 2019

E2S Warning Signals
E2S launches D1xB2 SIL 2 Xenon and LED beacons at OTC 2019
February 27, 2019
E2S Warning Signals
E2S launches D1xB2 SIL 2 Xenon and LED beacons at OTC 2019

21 February 2019  BVM Industrial grade Intel NUC format rugged system |

12 February 2019
Hammond Electronics Australia
1551V sensor enclosures for the IoT
12 February 2019

Hammond Electronics Europe
1551V sensor enclosures for the IoT
12 février 2019
Hammond Electronics Europe
Boîtiers 1551V pour capteurs IdO
12. Februar 2019
Hammond Electronics Europe
1551V-Sensorgehäuse für IoT
12 febbraio 2019
Hammond Electronics Europe
1551V scatole per sensori IoT
February 12, 2019
Hammond Manufacturing Canada
1551V sensor enclosures for the IoT
12 février 2019
Les Fabrications Hammond (Quebec)
Boîtiers 1551V pour capteurs IdO
February 12, 2019

Hammond Manufacturing USA
1551V sensor enclosures for the IoT

28 January 2019

Verotec UK
Verotec chosen to supply KM6-HD-based systems for a major US land-based military project |

15 January 2019

BVM’s CAPM347 high speed 24VDC embedded printer for retail, vending and kiosk applications
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